Tag Archives: My Name is Memory

What I’m Reading: My Name is Memory

20 Feb

While I’m still trekking through Les Miserables, I’m also taking the time to read shorter “fun” novels. I recently read My Name is Memory by Anne Brashares and fell in love almost right away. Daniel has chased Sofia for lifetimes. He has the gift of what is called “the memory” and can remember himself from reincarnation to reincarnation. He can also recognize other souls, and in each incarnation all he does is search for her. This time she’s a high school student named Lucy. Lucy is drawn to Daniel. She has been since the first time she saw him. She’s also absolutely convinced he has no interest in her whatsoever until one night he finally reveals who he is. He comes on too strong and runs her off, and they spend the rest of the book trying to find a way to be together.

I don’t believe in reincarnation, but I love the idea of soul mates and having someone who is absolutely perfect for you. It’s absolute fodder for my inner romantic. I personally believe that Anne Brashares completely surpasses her wildly popular Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books, all of which I have read, with this novel. It’s romantic and poignant and completely compelling. I read it in two days. The story and the writing are absolutely lovely as we see Daniel and Lucy’s past and all of the struggles they have to go through to be together. The flashbacks do get a little long in the middle. I was rather anxious to find out what was happening with the current story, and the glimpses of their past lives made the story drag a little bit at some points, but overall it was fantastic.

The real problem I have with it is that there’s still no news on the long-awaited sequel. The book ends well, but leaves you with so many unanswered questions and so much uncertainty about Daniel and Lucy’s future together. What it really needs is closure. I as the reader need closure. It’s so unfair to get me emotionally invested in these fictional people’s lives and then not tell me what happened to them. The book is still wonderful though. I give it a 6 out of 7.